Ever since I was young, since my early twenties, I have had the feeling that I need to find something more. Throughout the years, I have finally realised the feeling has a name: wanderlust.

Maybe it is the post-Covid world that has made me and my wifey watch more and more of YouTube videos about camperlife and trekking around the globe whilst turning that into living. Maybe that is the reason why I have realised that I want to try the same kind of life. I have always hated the thought that I would be tied down to one place, to have a normal 9-to-5 life, day after day, month after month.

And that is exactly what I have been doing for the past… how many years?! Too many. I have led myself to believe that if I just do this for a year, or two, or maybe three, then I can break free… That is the greatest self-deception there is, people. And all that time, that little voice inside me cheers every single time I even see an aeroplane or buy a flight ticket. I yearn to step aboard a cruise ship, as it will take me to somewhere different.

It is 2024, my mother has passed away, and because of that, I am at a crossroads. Not because I need to decide if I want to remain in Finland for the rest of my days, but how much I actually want to experience before it is my time to leave this Earth.

At the moment, my only concern is a financial one. I am certain that my Wifey, who is much more grounded than I am, would stop me there to tell me that there are many more concerns for an undertaking such as this than just finances, but of one thing I am certain. When we finally manage to start this wanderlusting part of our lives, we will make it a brilliant one!

In my idealistic dreams, that kind of life, where we travel across Europe in our camper van, I can finally concentrate on my writing so that I can publish my books. We will make astonishing YouTube video vlogs that will inspire tens of thousands of others, and we can show that it is possible for us, and others, to live a life of freedom.

But before we get to that level, we need to figure out sources of income. As much as I want to get this wanderlusting lifestyle started, I need to be sensible, at least for a second. What do you think, dear readers, would work as reliable income streams that would allow us to survive and live?

One of them is definitely Buy Me A Coffee, which you could do. It would help us towards our goal of becoming nomads.

In reality, I was really and utterly surprised to read from an article how the death of a parent can cause an identity crisis for the child. I don’t really have an identity crisis, per se, as I know who I am and have had to come to terms with many aspects of myself over the decades. But what this life-altering event did to me was to make me reevaluate the priorities in my life. Do I need to stay in the rat race until I am 70, and the society says I can retire? Do I need to wait until society tells me I can finally enjoy the remainder of my days? Or could I, instead, decide that now is the time to break free?

I am lucky indeed to have a Wifey who loves to travel, who is on board the idea of a camper van. And that makes it easy, as the home is where the heart is, and my heart is with my family.

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