Hey there, my wonderful word wanderers!

Back in the summer of 2022, my wifey and I found ourselves cozied up on the couch, indulging in a marathon of Sex and the City. We’d devoured most of the episodes, laughing at Samantha’s brazenness, empathizing with Charlotte’s anxieties, and marvelling at Miranda’s sharp wit. But it was Carrie, with her whimsical musings and unapologetic love for writing, who truly struck a chord with me.

As I watched her tap away on her laptop, chronicling her adventures and misadventures in love and life, something clicked. For the longest time, I have been interested in a way to make an impact on this world, and this long-dormant passion, buried beneath the weight of everyday responsibilities, began to stir within me. The next thing I knew, I was setting up my own little corner of the internet, inspired by Carrie’s fearless pursuit of her creative dreams. Who knew that a fictional columnist could ignite such a real-world fire in me? But that’s the magic of storytelling, isn’t it?

I’ve always been a bit of a word nerd (shocking, I know!). Since forever, I’ve had this insatiable urge to write. Whether it’s penning a blog post, crafting a short story, or maybe even, gasp, a full-blown novel—I’ve always felt most at home when I’m lost in a world of words. I have always said that words have power, and after many years of blogging and writing, I still think like that. Words can easily be used to wound people. They can also be used to heal or give solace. Words, rightly placed and said with the right voice, can turn a tabletop role-playing game into a scene that rivals the best of CGI films of our modern age.

But here’s the thing: I’m a Finn. We Finns are a notoriously taciturn bunch. Small talk? Not our forte. Sauna silence? Now you’re talking our language. The sauna is our sacred space, a sanctuary where words are often unnecessary. It’s a place of quiet contemplation, deep connection, and, well, sweating. Ever since the time immemorial, sauna has always been a part of us; place of birth, place where business has been negotiated, even between countries, and place where the body is washed for the last time on this earth. We’re more about actions than words, preferring the shared experience of sweating it out together over a drawn-out discussion. Except, that is, for those rare moments when the heat melts away our stoicism, and we dare to delve into the depths of our emotions. It might go something like this, in the hazy heat of an 85-degree Celsius sauna:

“So, how are things at home?”

“Yeah, they’re good. And you?”

“Yeah, good.”

And that’s it. That’s the extent of our emotional outpouring, folks. But in that shared silence, in the simple act of sweating together, a profound connection is forged. It’s the wordless communication that bonds us men in the sauna, a bond as strong as the heat that surrounds us.

So, why, then, am I suddenly bucking the trend and rambling on on a blog?

Well, I guess that’s part of the charm of this blog and blogging itself. I feel that my blog is a space where I can break free from the Finnish stereotype and let my thoughts run wild. It’s a place where I can explore big ideas, share personal stories, and even have a little debate with myself. Ever since I was young, I have had the ability to ask why. In my teens, I was fortunate enough to have deep and meaningful discussions with my friends’ father about faith and religion, and in high school, my religious studies teacher told me that I should really consider becoming a priest as I had the talent for making people think. I’m not sure she said it in a completely adoring way, though.

Of course, I’m not always serious. I also love to share my quirky or sarcastic observations, sprinkle in some humour, and maybe even make you chuckle with a ridiculous anecdote or two. Not because I want to ridicule someone, but because the modern world desperately needs lightheartedness and laughter to oppose the darkness we seem to face in every turn.

That’s me, even after two years of blogging here at Travelling Thoughts. It is empowering to notice that the first ever text, which I have drawn inspiration from, relies on the same values and principles even now, two years and almost 200 blog texts later.

But what about you, dear reader? Ive asked this before, but I never get tired of asking it again; what do you want to see more of? What topics spark your curiosity? Should I stick to the lighthearted stuff or delve into the darker corners of the world? Should I share my personal experiences or focus on broader issues?

If you enjoy my ramblings and musings, and want to support my dream of making this blog my full-time gig, I’d be incredibly grateful for your support on Buy Me a Coffee.  Your virtual coffee could fuel my next blog post (and maybe even a new novel chapter!).

Before you answer those questions, let me tell you, I firmly believe that sometimes we need a little discomfort to grow. Like that time, over 25 years ago, when someone read my thesis on HIV and said, “Sometimes we need the raw facts and horrible images to understand the issue.” That comment stuck with me, reminding me of the power of words to shake us up, challenge our beliefs, and even change the world.

But I also understand that not everyone wants to read about heavy topics all the time. And that’s why I need your help. Tell me what makes you tick. What issues keep you up at night? What brings a smile to your face?

I promise to always be honest and authentic, even if it means stepping outside my comfort zone (and yours). And if a topic doesn’t interest you, feel free to scroll on by. After all, it’s your journey, and I’m just here to provide the map.

So, what do you say? Let’s continue this conversation together. Leave a comment below or find me on Facebook. I’d love to hear from you.

With love and a dash of Finnish quirk,


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