Hello, fellow adventurers!

Having, again, come across something that I thought to be an easy-to-answer daily prompt, I think it requires a bit of thought, after all. So, let’s get into it.

What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

Reading the replies from some other responders, I realised something. This is not necessarily a physical trait that I like about myself. Humans are, after all, psychologic-physical-social constructs, so that gives me more options to like myself! Hooray!

Physical side, I love my eyes. They remind me of things I have seen and what I will be seeing in the future. They can be warm and compassionate, but they can also tell someone to sod off if need be.

The other thing I love about myself is my faith. Ever since I reverted, back in 2012, I have had this certainty that everything happens because it is supposed to happen. And it happens now because it is meant to happen now.

Everything in this world happens because we are supposed to learn. We are supposed to be better humans, more compassionate, and more caring. We are supposed to stand against evil and tyranny, not join forces with them.

And that brings me to my third most likeable aspect: empathy. As a registered nurse, it is a dual-edged sword. On the other hand, it enables me to be the best nurse I can because I can really be there for the patients. On the other hand, however, if I don’t be careful, I become too involved and burn out.

But would I change anything of these things? No.

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