Hey there, fellow humans of the internet! If you’ve ever scrolled through a blog post, chuckled at a meme, or double-tapped a stunning photo, you’ve been part of something magical – the world of content creation. We creators pour our hearts and souls into our work, sharing our passions, stories, and quirky perspectives. But here’s the thing: every like, comment, share, or DM isn’t just a number. It’s a virtual high-five, a “Hey, I see you and I dig what you’re doing!”

Those little gestures fuel our creative fire and keep us coming back for more. So, next time you stumble upon a piece of content that sparks joy, take a moment to show some love. Hit that like button, drop a comment (even a simple emoji will do!), share it with your friends, or slide into those DMs with some words of encouragement. Your support is our lifeblood, and it means the world to us.

Let’s make the internet a more vibrant, supportive place, one like, comment, and share at a time. Together, we can create a community where creativity thrives and everyone feels seen and appreciated. So go forth, spread the love, and let’s make some magic happen!

Fill Up My (Virtual) Coffee Mug

Are you a coffee aficionado and content enthusiast, too?! ☕

Bet you are sitting there with your coffee mug, and digging my work, whilst feeling that warm, fuzzy feeling of support. Now there’s a super easy way to show it – and it involves your favourite caffeinated beverage! For the price of a single cup of coffee, you can toss a few coins my way through Buy Me a Coffee. Consider it a virtual cheers to creativity, a “Hey, keep those awesome posts coming!”

It’s a perfect option if you’re feeling spontaneous or not quite ready for a monthly commitment. Plus, it’s super easy – just scan the QR code and you’ll be whisked away to my Buy Me a Coffee page. A few clicks later, and you’ve fueled my creative engine for another day. Who knew supporting your favorite creator could be as simple as ordering your morning latte?

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s turn that coffee craving into a creative boost! Your support means the world to me, and every little bit helps me keep the content flowing.

Fellowship of the… Books?

Welcome to my 111th birthday! Hm, I think that was already used…


Did you know that I’ve embarked on a grand quest – to write not just one, but THREE books? It’s a tale that’s been brewing in my imagination for ages, and I’m pouring my heart and soul into bringing it to life. But here’s the thing: every epic journey needs a fellowship of supporters.

That’s where my Patreon page comes in! If you’re as excited about this literary adventure as I am, consider becoming a monthly patron. Your support will help me carve out the time and resources I need to focus on writing, editing, and ultimately sharing this story with the world.

So, if you’re ready to embark on this epic quest with me, head over to my Patreon page and let’s make some literary magic happen!

Like, Share, and Support!

Hold up, friends! Before you click away, remember this: your support doesn’t always have to jingle in my virtual tip jar. Sometimes, the most valuable currency is the kind that spreads joy and builds community.

A simple like, a thoughtful comment, or a share with your own crew can make a world of difference. It’s like a virtual hug for a creator, a little reminder that our work matters and has pulled your heartstrings. So, don’t be shy! Head over to HaveStories.com and hit that “follow” button. Share your favourite posts with your friends, family, or even that random person you met on the bus who loves a good story and you want to chat to. And hey, while you’re at it, pop over to my Facebook page and give it a like – it’s a great way to stay connected and join the conversation.

Together, we can, and should, create a vibrant community where stories are shared, laughter is abundant, and creativity thrives. Your support, in all its forms, is the fuel that keeps this engine running. So, let’s spread the love, amplify those voices, and make the internet a more wonderful place, one story at a time.

Thanks for being a part of my journey!
